Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

30 June, 2010

Engagement Post Mortem - Part 2 (Make up)

Hye peeps,

i'm so excited to write about my e-day...but my workload wont let me to do so..huhu..
& now, it's already been 4 days since i got engaged!!

haha~ now i got a fiance!! hoye hoye...
how do i feel?? & what's the difference between now & before??
huhu..about the difference i think its too early to tell..haha~ maybe after 1 month can tell the diff..

one thing that i loved about my e-day is my makeup..
it was done beautifully by kak fiza (from makeup by fiza)
she came on time & arrived at my house about 11 am..
when she called & mentioned she's on her way, i kelam kabut mandi..haha~ cincai jer..

almost done..hehe~

she charged for e-day : RM250

i like it!!
many of my friends said that the make up looked very natural..
& got some yg interested & want to hire her also..hehe..

besides make up, i also took the mini dais from her ..

i also love my pelamin..
hoye hoye..
dorg pasal sgt awal, iaitu dr kamis malam..
 & the price was very reasonable & affordable!!

Dear K.fiza, thanx very much!!
i love ur touch!!
walaupon u demam, tp still dtg utk bekerja.. huhu

28 June, 2010

Engagement Post Mortem - Part 1

hye olls, e-day berjalan ngn baik...biasa la klo ade terkurang sana sini kan..
kt merancang jer.. but i love my e-day (haha~ syok sendiri)..

actually gambar2 byk x dpt lg dr photographer2...ade la sedikit sebanyak..

Event: Haniza Hanis & Mohammed Muzakkir Engagement
Date: 26 June 2010
Time: supposed 12.30pm but delayed to 1.30pm (my boo's side t'sampai lmbt sket..jln jam...xpe.. =p )

My mother ordered catering for 200 pax.. & before this she was so worried that not many people will come on that day..end up, more than 200 people turned out on that day.. i loike!!! & it really makes me nervous (giler2) on that day...haha~
nak tercabot lutut tau, gigil kuat sgt...

layan piccas dulu k, haha~

my future mother in law (pn zalmah..) wink wink**

time turun tangga i sgt nervous tau,,seb baik my frens ramai gak yg dtg time tuh..
pastu, mase tgh control malu lalu depan org ramai menuju ke mini dais, i tersadung sket kt platform pelamin tu...siap melatah sket ' oo mak kao'
haha~ x tau ar ade org dgr ke x..malu siot..
adek i komen, i jln cepat sgt..haha~yeke???

pastu ni adegan sarung cincin..i da agak cincin tu mst ssh nak masuk..
haha~ akhirnye FMIL masuk kan separuh jer...separuh lg i masukkan sendiri...
sadis kan..

af=degan wajib ke-2..hehe~
time ni cincin da masuk sepenuhnye.. lalala~

adegan wajib ke-3...seb baik da sembur perfume byk2..
klo x mst i busuk..hoho

my besties from kmj : im & wan

from left: my bro, me & my cuzzin, afiq
thanx guys..for capturing emotions of the day!!!

can see my flowers?? i heart it very much..
Ivory roses!!
it's from Wedding by sher

the backbone of the lovely mommy!!
thank you very much for all ur support!!

i tried to avoid doing things last minute ...but i mmg a last minute person..
da nak dkt majlis, rupenye ade je mende x setel..hadoyai..
tp xpe, bole manage sket2..

part yg haru nye cake yg disponsor oleh pak itam, x muat dimasukkan dlm kotak kek yg da di deco...adoii..
ari jumaat tu ak ronda dr ujung s.alam ujung s.alam sane..
tp x jmp saiz kotak yg ak nak..
besar sgt la..

end up,
i balut je ribbon kt kotak sikret resepi tuh..

& kotak kek yg da siap deco tuh i masukkan popcake..
popcake ni i saje je order for extra..
tok makan mase majlis kononnye..haha~
xpe la k..

p/s: i love my e-day so much!!!
nnt i update lg k..
tuntutan kerja sgt byk arini..hehe

27 June, 2010


happy sunday girls!!!

I'm officially engaged!!!!!
hoye hoye!!!

even, there was something goes wrong here & there, but the ceremony just went well...

thank you very much for those who came!!!

will update about my e-day soon!!!


22 June, 2010

of handbouquet


hoye2...4 ari je lagi..hehe (nebes nih..)
at first x terfikir pon nak pkai bunga tangan time nikah tunang nnt..
tp bile da tgk engagement member2 lain, rase cam bunga tangan tu menyerikan lg muka tunangan majlis pertunangan tuh..lg2 bila dlm photo kan..pulak tu bunga yg idop kan..haih..sgt berseri2  tunangan org tuh..haha~

maka dlm hati terbit rase keiinginan tersebut.. maka smlm bz menggugel sana sini, tgk mane vendor yg bole supply handbouquet tok ari sabtu nih...saya tau bkn senang, sbb da last menet sgt kan..

hahaha~ tp akhirnya berjaya juga mendapat kan seorang...saya suka!! hopefully sempat la sy mmakainya mase tunang nnt..hoye2..
maka, bunga tersebut nnt seakan-akan gambar2 di bawah nih...sile layan k..

peach & biru mmg suwwit seyh..

ivory white...mmg cun!! suci giler
 kan kan kan... =p

waa..yg ni pon kasi cair combination kaler die..

hehe~ korg rase kalo tema saya color lite blue,
bunga tangan yg mane sgt seswai??
(yg bole menambahkan keserian saya..muahaha =p)

tp sy da pilih of those flowers..
hoye hoye!!!

p/s: mst dpt teka kan sapa vendor saya? hoho~

21 June, 2010

Quote "Jika ingkar.."

bagi korang2 yg da kawen & bertunang mesti familiar kan ngn 'quote jika ingkar'..
selalunye, jurucakap pompuan akan cakap quote ni mase perbincangan time bertunang kan..

mom baru je approach sorg atok sedara ni tok jadi my jurucakap mase bertunang nnt..
& dia nasihat kan ktorg spy soh pihak lelaki bawak duit pendahuluan aka deposit mase bertunang..
& its going to be this week!! the amount is about 30%..

tp mom ngn abah (termasuk saye) x berapa setuju..sebab terlalu last minute mintak duit..saye ngn my boo x kesah kot nak bagi duit (sbb nak sedapkan ati atok tu) tapi ape plak nnt kate family my boo?? lg pon mase merisik tu xde janji pon kne bawak duit mase dtg time tunang..huhu
kalo saye pon, kalo org mintak duit last min mst feel cam x best kan..huhu..

menurut atok tu, 30% tu macam security...jika:
1. pihak lelaki ingkar, maka duit 30% tu akan burn & dpt pd pihak pompuan..
2. pihak pompuan ingkar, maka duit 30% tu harus dipulangkan bersama 30% lain dr pihak pompuan..

atok tu kate, kita bkn nye nak mintak bende yg kurang baik berlaku bila berbincang pasal ingkar mengingkari ni..cuma sebagai utk keadilan (agaknye la..) di mase depan kt x tau ape akn jd kan...nauzubillah..

skrg buntu..kalo ikot cakap atok tu, sy sgt amat la takot family my boo akn pikir bukan2..x suka la perasaan camnih..huhu..
lagipon sy & mak da bermimpi nak masukkan duit hantaran dlm dulang dlm bentuk cek mase kawen nnt...
mcm gmbr dibawah nih:

source: inci google..
adoiii...cair nengok bunga2 tuh...damn sweet!!!
(sy berangan nak camni sbnanye..hehe)

maknanye, kalo pihak lelaki bagi balance hantaran sebulan before majlis,
xdpat sy buat gini kan..
ke salunya pengantin guna dummy cheque?? hahah
sy x pasti la pasal mende2 nih..
x sure salu nye org wat camne..

18 June, 2010

haha~ funny laa

hahaha~ sebenarnye terkezut juga bila time dinner ngn family smlm da kuar cite psl my wedding..
i blom bertunang pon, ok2 da week je kan.. =p

tp funny bila my mom & abah argue a bit about the venue majlis kawen i nnt..
since ever, mmg tau mak nak wat kat umah..alasan nye:
  • mmg terase rumah tu nak ade kenduri..sedara mara berkumpul beramai2..meriah la...
  • feel at home..bole bergaul & entertain guests yg dtg suka ati.
  • xde protocol ape2...
  • ruang mencukupi
abah plak nak wat kat dewan, alasannye sgt funny:
  • rumah kene kemas (sbb umah ktorg salu bersepah, so kne wat extra work..iaitu mengemas rumah kasi bersih berkilat)
  • dewan  more comfortable..x kesah sit down dinner ataupon buffet.. & bole cater tok ribu2 lemon org..haha~ ramai ke jemputan nih...adeii..xpe2..sila ajak dr skrg..haha~ gatal..
  • parking ssh plak..
haha~ i sengeh je time tuh...& u know wut..i lgsg x kesah nak wat kat mane (beach wedding bole x ?? romantik gitew..=p)...i pikir 2-2 ade pro & last, i akan suggest buat 2 event..satu kat umah satu kat dewan..muahaha..
& they did mentioned a few hall yg agak hot dgn b2b..i sengeh lg skali..i cakap la dewan **tutt** tu mmg kne book awl..mau 10 bln before the w-day da kne book..

a) x kan dpt gorgeous dais camni kalo wat kt umah..huhu
source : zla's wedding

b) tp bole dapat beautiful dais camni kalo kat umah

ayat menyedapkan ati sendiri..hehe.. =p

so, pasni kne inform kat parents pro & con umah & dewan..
kne tunjuk beza bajet kuar tok sewa hall atau pon sewa khemah..haa mana lagi mahal..
xpe, dorg yg kuar kan duit..muahhaha (gelak jaat)

xpe la mende2 ni jaoh ke tgh laot lg..
x yah penin2 nk pk ok..
yg penting majlis tok next week nih...!!
da settle ke haa?? sebok plak nk pk kawen..haishh
(da x sabar la tuh..=p)

p/s: pelamin zla mmg cool giler...cair tengok tau.. =)

17 June, 2010

Checklist - Engagement (Part 2)

Follow up for my E-Day Prep:

1. Set date: 26 Jun 2010 

2. Mak andam: Makeup by Fiza (Deposit paid)

3. Photog: Friend's sister (amateur photog) ..yes, i'm trying to cut cost by taking amateur i doin the rite thing?? hopefully...kawen nnt, insyaAllah amek yg mantap2 nnt..hehe..

4. Hantaran hunting:

For Her:

1. Cincin tunang - Done (da berabuk dlm laci...=p)

2. Kain nikah - Done (Jakel S.Alam)

3. Kek - Done (kak ain sponsored)

4. Fruits - not yet

5. Perfume - Done

6. Chocolates - bought tp x wat deco yet

7. Handphone - done

For Him:

1. Kain nikah - Done (Jackel s.alam)

2. Kek - Pak Itam nk sponsor ...yeayy!! Done

3. Jam - Done

4. Chocolates - Done ..deco not yet

5. Bunga rampai - acik salmah - Done

6. Wallet & Belt - Done

7. Sweets deco - sponsored by my mom's friend..thanx!! Done

8. Handphone - Done

9. Cheese tart - ordered Done

Sirih junjung - Acik salmah Done

  • Hantaran deco - Done (sent to Jalan Taiping Klang). Collected last weekend..yeay!!
  • Engagement dress - bought readymade from PKNS last Jan (ntah muat lg ke x..haha)
  • Tudung - need to terjah Ariani..this weekend mesti pegi..xde tapi2..
  • Mini dais - same vendor as MUA (BOOKED)
  • Doorgift - choc? or cake choc? klo ade org nk sponsor, ade ak kesah kek ke bahulu? haha..Homemade choc - ordered! finally.. haha
  • Thank you tag : design done. Need to print & buy ribbons.
  • Room - OMG x tidy up lg...this weekend please!! no tapi2..
  • Basuh my fish pond..da berlumut2 okeh.. this weekend please!! no tapi2..
p/s: ape lagi ek yg tertinggal??
OMG!! Invitation...blom invite friends yet!!! laju2 invite sekarang juga!!

15 June, 2010

birthday celeb

hi ladies,

yesterday was my boo's b-day...i've planned so many things and have so many ideas on how to celebrate his 25th b-day since a month ago..muahaha..i google-d and try to find somthing special for him..these are the things that was under my consideration:

1) throw him a surprise birthday party attended by his close friends & mine - didn't workout sbb some of his friends were outstation & offshore. then consider the 2nd option,

2) surprise a birthday cake delivered to his office - also didn't workout..huhu =( .......
bcos i think its not appropriate for me to do that, since they were busy working on that day..

3) Finally, my last option is just to have a fine dinner celebration, only the 2 of us..hehe..i find it quite romantic...ahaks..eventho all my earlier plans didn't workout, but i'm satisfied becos i made somthing for him, a substitute to his present..muahaha..

okay2, i'm not a cheapskate...i just made him a video featuring our pictures, families & friends with our fav's quite tough for me to select from tons of  pictures of our  7 years relationship.. then, i burned it into a dvd..that's ur birthday present boo,,haha (pd hal x tau nk bagi adiah ape..ngeh ngeh)

okay2 about our dinner:
venue: chili's , empire subang
time: 8pm
date: 14 jun 2010
me : oldtimer burger..
x larat nk abes..mntk tolon org abes kan

boo : lamb shoulder..
ok la rase die, x berapa fantastic sgt..

dessert : molten chocolate cake..
i like this one the most... hehe..
sgt sedap woo...

sorry uols, x guna gmber sebenar, sbb kualiti nye sgt memalukan..
memandangkan dlm chili's tu gelap ya amat..haha~
giler romance, eh romantic..

ok la tu je hapdet arini..hehe
p/s: 1st time mkn kt chili's..
komen: choc cake die yummy!!

09 June, 2010

kawan mengawan

haha....x leh blah tajok entry ni kan...maafkan sy k...sbb sy sgt teruja bile coursemate sy kawen..hoye2..
name die Shuhaida, tp sy pggil Ada je..maka, sy pon naik la bas ekspres ke Sg Petani pd pg Sabtu lps (05 Jun 10)..

Rase mcm dah berkali ganda montot sy nih...7 jam beb nk g sg petani...klo ikot kn da bole smpi perlis da tu..tah ape psl bas tu lambat sgt....adoyai...penat mak tau..huhu

Ssampainye pd pkol 5.30, dan di jempot oleh mmber lain...maka terus la menuju ke masjid terdekat dgn selaju2 nya...kerna, Ada akan menikah pd saat itu jua..lalu ku pon terkocoh2 mencari toilet untok menukar persalinan yg lebih sopan di dlm masjid, iaitu baju kurung..haha~

seb baik smpt nengok die nikah...amin!!! i'm so happy for u!!!

aksi wajib suami isteri..

Ada & Kyo 05062010

Layang2 je la gambar k..

resepsi 06062010
peach in colour

menggedik dgn handbouquet org..

me, kyo, ada & dR

Mustapha Kamal, his lovely wife, Susan Menon & adorable kids

07 June, 2010

Double Happiness

I just love this month!! Like what Anil said, this is a love month!!
Yes anil, it's true!! haha~

There were so many wedding invitation for this month.. From up north to down south. My friend said, it's 'musim mengawan'...haha's bcos of school holidays has started..(hoyee dis week sure no jam!!) ..i love this month becos:

1) My Boo's birthday (14 Jun 2010) - i'm thinking to throw a surprise event.....huhu...i'm dreaming of doing it..i've never done it before for him, seriously (haha..terok kan)..and now, i'm so eager and really really want to make it happen. is anyone out there have any ideas from your prev. experience??
  • what is the sweetest thing to do?
  • should it be romantic for just the 2 of you or call all your & his besties to join?
  • what present should i give him? i'm trying to avoid giving typical presents..huhu..maybe somthing DIY..??
  • where should i do it?
  • what about the food?


p/s: i know he wont read this, that's why i berani state kt blog..hehe

2) My E-Day (26 Jun 2010) - 20 days left..huhu..i'm nervous thinking about it..most of the preps, i just follow what my mom's want.. I'm just hoping that it will turn out smoothly &'s just a simple ceremony, i guess..hehe..i'll do the hapdet later k..huhu (asek janji je..haha~)

3) My Uni Friend's Wedding (5 Jun & 6 Jun 2010) - Definitely i'll do separate entry for this.. (eh kate double happiness je...actually byk rupenyer happiness yg berlaku..haha~)

01 June, 2010

Brooch kebaya berantai??

Selamat ari selasa!! arini da 1 jun...hoye2...
countdown lg...adooii, ckup2 la tuh niza oi... =p

ok2, sbnarnye skrg satu2 perkara cuba diselesaikan...
skrg ni tgh pening pk psl tudung, veil & kerongsang kebaya berantai (eh btol ke name die??)

1. Tudung: da beli skali ngn baju aritu awning die senget benget la...da try iron byk still degil...
     Ingat nak carik tudung baru....hehe...yg simple plain light blue in color..(akan membuat kunjungan ke

2. Veil: pon beli skali ngn baju: makcik kedai tu la hasut i ngn mak spy tros beli...sbb color die sgt matching
     ngn baju i.. color mmg match, tp x selesa bila pkai sbb die jenis material organza n nmpk keras... adoyy,  
     if x jmp solution, mayb pkai yg ni je kot..huhu

3. Kerongsang kebaya berantai (macam makanan berantai...haha): hmm tgh consider accesories ape nk add
    kat baju nnt, sbb mst akan nmpk sgt plain... tibe2 t'nmpk kt blog nawal lamae da...die pkai rantai tu mase
    tunang die...nmpk sweet..

tgk rantai nawal je, jgn tgk laen..haha~curik disini

i da risik ngn nawal, & die kate die sewa skali ngn baju dr butik Abang Halim (Plaza Masalam)
so, i nk tny ade x sape2 tau mane nk beli rantai ni???
agak2 murah x harga die??

hoho...gatal plak nak beli...=p
tgk la, kalo harga sewa die lebey kurang harga beli, baik i beli kan..

p/s: tiba2 sakit pewot...
ok choww..