Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

31 May, 2010

Weekend is synonym to Wedding

Hi ladies!!!

Since my boo g joli sakan kat Pulau Perhentian last weekend, i spent the whole weekend with my beloved family...yes, i managed to stay home, do house chores a bit & sleep more..muahaha..but of course there are weddings that i attended last weekend..for sure.. =p

Saturday : Diera's Wedding (my matrix besties)
Venue: PLPP Hall, Kajang

congratz Diera & Arif !!

the last 4 guests attended..

there's a story behind this wedding...nk tau x, we arrived so late at the wedding because we got lost
on the way to fetch my other friend..haha..we arrived around 4pm!!!
haha! can u imagine the hall is empty, they packed the food already,
the chairs and table has been put aside...haha~
luckily the bride knows that we're coming & still waited for us, while they were finishing their
photog session..
i just can grind, bcos this is my 1st time super late to a wedding.. 

empty hall!! (haa...jgn gelak..)
& the photographer..
but i do love the hanging lamp!! =p

pls mind the gedixness..hehe~
n just layanzz the pictures k..

bride ade nmpk cam sharifah amani x?? gaga~

after that the bride's family invited us to their house to eat...lapar seyh sesat larat..haha~
umah x jauh, seb baik blkg dewan jer..hehe

ni smpt snap hantaran ijau mase lepak kt umah dira..
calming green...huhu...sori xde pic close up..hehe..

Sunday: Adawiyah's Wedding ( my 2nd cousin)
Venue: Bandar Salak Tinggi
Theme: White & Red

Congratz both!!

since cam lg sebatu je nk sampai nilai,
maka my mom pon ajak la g terjah nilai3..
sessi hunting hunting... i like =p

Ok, i'll do another entry for Nilai 3 !!!

26 May, 2010

Saving ticker


Sorry uolss...i sgt bz lately yg workload dtg scr tiba2...hahah...menci..
i smpt bace update2 korg je, tp kdg2 x smpt no mengomen..huhu~

actually, i pon xde mende sgt nk update..huhu..
lagi2 psl my E-Day...haha...yg genap2 tggl sebulan je lagi...SEBULANNN!!!

wahhh, doorgift sebnrnye x setel2 lg ni..
my mum said : xpe ..lmbt lg....sebulan lg ms..mst sempat..
hehe...i senyum je...bkn ape, kt ni cpt sgt glabah klo mende tu x setel kan..
klo x bagi pape doorgift ok x?
silap aribulan org x dtg wedding i sbb x dpt doorgift yg ' cute'..hahah (gelak jaat)

tibe2 mase tgh tgk blog sendiri, terperasan yg 1 ticker tu tlh diabaikan...iaitu ticker yg plg penting:

omg!!! camne i boleh abaikan die...ticker tu x pnh diusik pon smnjak wujudnye die dlm blog nih.
pny terok!!!

tammo la duit syiling...huhu...mane ckup nih...

huhu...bkn x saving, tp lately bayk duit kuar n duit masuk...aiyyarkk!!
sometimes risau giler, mane nk korecks2 duit nih...
nk wat bisnes?? bisness apekah??

waa, mak saye nk kawen, tapi duit xde...mak sponsor yer...
muahaha...bole x ckp mcm tuh..mst mak pengsan..hahahhah

haa...yg ni la yg i mau....setrolly kau!! USD lg!! hahah~ (boleh berangan amek NGI =p)

sbenarnye kan, i byk sgt terpengaruh ngn blog b2b yg laen..
i akan adore n suka sgt2 preparation yg dorg buat, jd sumber inspirasi buat i, hehe~
maka, i pon akan bermimpi mahukan wedding yg serba indah (yg kemungkinannye i x kan mampu)
blog b2b mmg penuh dgn segala info dr wedding dress, pelamin smpi la ke photog..
mmg i da gian, mesti baca blog ari2 pny...=p

sampai ade org tegur i, spy biarla buat wedding yg berpatotan..jgn smpi membazir..
huhu...i ckp la, nak wat camne, wedding kan seumur hidup sekali jer.. (hopefully la)
that's why nak yg terbaek..
then die ckp, yg penting ialah kehidupan selepas kawen, kne pikir gak...
nak beli rumah la, nk masuk rumah, kalo da ade anak, lg byk pkai duit..
huhu..btol gak..dpn dia, i iakan je la..(tp dlm hati masih memberontak)

huhu...susahnye la hai...
sebabnye: kawen seumur idop sekali... hehe~

p/s: camne nak kasi duit cpt branak eh?? hehe~

21 May, 2010

E-Day Favor


hari ni jumaat , so ianya sgt best...sbb sok x keje & bole angun lmbt2.. hoye hoye..
tp cuti 2 ari mane la ckup tok smggu keje...x pnah cukup pon ..rite, kan kan kan.. =p

huhu, tp sgt la bingung skang, sbb until now my e-day favor x setel2 lg korg..
actually my mom suka sgt ngn doorgift kek buah that we got from my uncle's engagement..sgt delicious mom da tny ngn tunang my uncle, sp yg buat that cake, cos we nk order for my day plak..
mula2 ok, then she said, her aunty cannot wat plak coz she has small kids to take care i pon ok la..nk wat camne, mom la yg frust kot..hehe =p

so, i proposed to mom many options to choose:
  1. chocolate bar - by chocolatwrapper (RM 2/pc) - sgt cute & mcm2 flavor ade, actually i opt for this one
  2. homemade chocs - by coklat anisa : ade 2biji or 3 biji choc in a box..but, nowadays rupenyer ade gak coklat oreo: where oreo yg disalut choc n deco sket..menarik gak nih..
  3. muffin or cupcakes - myracupcakes - nmpk sdp nih..price pon ok with deco..
  4. cookies - homemade...muahahha (rajen ke??? =p)

cute kan...from chocolatwrapper

lolichoc!!! i guess its a new idea..suitable for kids..kan kan..

This one also quite new for me..oreo choc!! nmpk sedap..
RM1.50 je satu..

this one choc favor with deco from Rama-rama Chocolate

Tapi kan uolls, my mom plak x decide2 die nk yg mane..
padahal tggl lg sebulan 5 ari nih..
takot lambt2 nnt xde plak org nk amek order kn..


or korg ade suggestion x nk bg ape tok doorgift..
silap2 aribulan karang, i bg air kotak jer..
pastu, xde org da nk dtg wedding aku nnt, sbb takotss dapat air kotak lg...LOL..

17 May, 2010

E-Day Trial Makeup & Hasyim's Wedding


K.Fiza nih sgt baik sbb bg i trial makeup for my E-Day next month..

I went to her house in Damansara last Saturday with My Boo..
pls layanz jer makeover pix below k,

after make over.. haha (gmbr before xde plak..=p)

ni la kak fiza, thanx ye sbb kasi sy comel..(haha...sile jgn muntah darah)

ni la first time i kne sgt teruja kawan2..
selama ni sy tau pkai eyeliner je, ngn blusher main blasah je pkai..haha..
i amek mini dais skali ngn die..
die charge i RM250 for makeup tunang..ok la kan..

gedix skejap..hehe..

= )

pas bergedik2 amek gambar ktorg pon blk la, prepare nk g wedding member my boo plak mlm tuh..
my boo jd pengapit, so i g je la temankan die mlm ..
rs mcm tammo mandi, tammo basuh muka,, syg okeyh nk buang makeup..haha~

Hasyim Wed Nara
15 May 2010
Dewan Sri Siantan, Kompleks Perbadanan Putrajaya

Pak Andam, tolong pkaikan sampin ye..

oppss..haha~ sempat menyaksikan photoshoot tertutup..wiwwit... =)

baju dia santek, i loike..

wif annie, br knal ni..bakal tunang member my boo..

im & boolat!! nape boolat pejam2 mata..haha~

haha~ ni la hadiah yg dorg bagi..boleyh x??? lgsg x surprise okeh!!
pastu, namecard msg2 main tampal je ats kotak tuh..haha...sengal tol dorg nih.. =p

last but not least,


hmm, doorgift dorg kasi wajik..sdap tau..
nmpk x kotak pink ats meja tuh..dlm tuh ade wajik sedap..hehe..

capturing his emotion.. =p
sukenye die jd pengapit..

Im's Engagement

Hye girls,

Ni utang entry i yg x brp lame i perap...hehe..
Im's engagement : 8 May 2010 (2 weeks ago..)

Congrats dear!!

Congratz Im!!! suwwit in purple.. =)

Im & her cuz Ira & hantarans...

Congrats Im & Boolat!!

13 May, 2010


hehe..ring & diamonds are women it??
this entry is about my E-Day ring, which has been bought about 5 months ago..haha...da berabok da..& all this while it's in my can you imagine, for the past 5 months i kept on trying the's not i'm impatient (ye ke??..=p), but i'm worried i can't fit the ring anymore..a bit phobia...bcos, my jari mmg cepat naik..sgt ketara kegemukan nye..haha..

there's a story behind this ring...eventho its a simple white diomond's so meaningful to me..
the story goes like this:

December 2009 - year end sale at that time kan..
we were dating @ jusco bkt raja..

sambil jalan2, 'terlalu' dkt dpn Tomei...then
My Boo: nk survey cincin x?
Me: hmm..bole gak..cincin risik ke?
My Boo: mane2 la..cincin tunang ke risik ke..kt survey harga dlu k..

we all pon masuk laa..then try one by one cincin tunang dlu..i'm excited sbb the price that they offer is very good..suddenly i terpikat dekat 'the ring'..can you imagine, the price is less than 1k..(mmg we decide nk yg murah but menepati ciri2 yg i nak..=p)

it looks similar like this.. =p simple kan..

My Boo: haa..da bersinar2 mata tu..senyum x henti2..suka la tu..
Me: hehehe (hanya mampu t/senyum kambing..)
My Boo: kalo suke kt teros beli la..swipe je...(haha..die mmg pandai swipe2 nih,,ishh susah tabiat ni)
Me: huhu..lambat lg la nk tunang..tapi i da suka..xpe la, kt survey kedai lain dlu la nnt..
My Boo: btol ke nih...mcm da suka sgt..harga pon within our budget kan..hehe..nyesal nnt..

ktorg pon x jadi beli, sbb konon nk survey je..smpt gak usha cincin belah rotan tok risik, tp x jmp yg berkenan..

pastu, ktorg pon kuar dr TOMEI & pegi la makan & tgk wayang,...
before nak balik, tiba2 'terlalu' lg dpn TOMEI..(haha..getek)..

Me: hishh..x ley lupe la cincin tuh...
My Boo: hahaha..abes jom la beli..
Me: hehe..cantik kan...harga pon ok kan??!!
My Boo: haha..dah jom je la kt masuk & beli..

We all pon masuk & carik blk SA yg entertain ktorg td...ops, rupenye die da blk...alahai..xpela..
then ktorg tanye kt SA yg lain, nk beli cincin yg ktorg try td..
carik punya carik.....x jumpa!!!!!!!
i macam biar betol....mane peginye...x kan org da beli...
pastu SA to check kat cashier...
YESS people!! cincin yg i nak tu da ade org beli!!! huwwaaa...
i mcm speechless..biar sgt ke cincin tu...dlm 3 jam je i tinggalkan kedai tu..
sbb x puas ati, i check resit org beli kt cashier,...
sah!! thats the ring...harga pon sama!!!

SA tu nmpk muka i mcm frust giler kot..die pon call HQ..tny ade lg x cincin tuh..
sbb rezeki i, alhamdulillah..cincin tu ade, tp diff xpe, sbb size bole adjust..(maklum la jari gemok2..)

after 2 weeks, i pon dpt cincin idaman hati..hoye hoye..

p/s: moral of the story, kalo da jumpa ssuatu yg kt berkenan, jgn la pk 2-3 kali..grab klo da rezeki kt, insyaAllah milik kt jg.. =)

Boo, nk cincin ni tok kawen bole x? haha..

x mungkin kot, sbb da terbeli gelang tok batal air smayang...haha
giler advance kan..tunang pon blom..
fobia pny psl..

12 May, 2010

mini dais..

the ticker shows 1month & 2 weeks until my E-Day..hoho...suddenly feel nebes plak..haishh..
it feels like so many things hasn't settled yet..

seb baik last weekend da antar barang g wat hantaran..tu pon sebenarnye berapa dulang nk bg x confirm lg..haha..pelik pelik..kan??
yg i tau, sirih junjung mmg nk bagi...tapi camne i terlepas pndg pasal bunga rampai eh??
kne ke korg bg bunga rampai?/ cane nih, dulang da kira ngam2 tujuh for him...
my mom kate: xpe bg je 8 dulang, lebih xpe...haih...confuse..

eh lari tajuk lg, haish..sorry can't help it..hahah...=p
ok2, citenye this friday i will meet my MUA for trial makeup.. and she also will do my mini dais...
hmm, but i have;nt decided yet the mini dais that i want it to be..
the essential thing is i want to sit on a chair , what? they call it cleopatra need la...i just want a normal 2 seater sofa..x larat la nk dok bersimpuh..haih..mude lagi kot..haha..

browsed the net and found something simple and suwwit like:

this one simple, tp mayb i akan kurangkan sket daun2 berjuraian tuh.. pon mcm suwwit kan..cantik kusi die.. pon ok, cume kne tukar ngn kusi..

hmm..nnt k.fiza tolong sy decide ye..

11 May, 2010

hantaran sent!!

hello gurls!!!
haha..lame gak x ngapdet blog nih...seminggu sudey..

its been a very busy weekend..wish it could be more than 2 days for weekend..huhu
last saturday, its one of my BFF E-Day..hehe...cOngratzz to both 'IM & BOOLAT'..sowy ye, i blom transfer pic..i utang satu k..(brp byk utang daa..)..

I met Im since 2003..we studied together in KMJ in one classroom which is HAYAT 11. Actually si Boolat ni pon same KMJ..and he went to UMP together with My Boo in a same course..haha..what a, both My Boo and Boolat are staying together..hehe..IM, it seems like we have so many things in common..hUHU..suddenly i missed hayat 11 so much..there were 6 of us in my 'gang'...cehh..maknenye yg rapat lor..

1. Raden - the 1st one to get married..she was in my 1st entry..haha..pls check on she's 6months preggy..hoyee..This pakar sakit tuan Dr. will deliver a baby gurl in Sep b4 raya..OMG, so happy for u dearie..
2. Dira - the 2nd one to get married..she had nikah gantung on last March and her reception will be this coming 29th May..!!! hehe can't wait to meet all of u..esp. u dira..da lame i x jmp..
3. Im - yeay..u should be the 3rd one dear..soon to be married..
4. Zaza - haha..only them called me zaza...comey kan..heh prasan lak..soon to be engaged.. =p
5. Wan - miss her far as i know she still single & ready to mingle..go gurl..
6. Wawa - ni pon i miss so much..she is so funny..yg ni byk scandal yg i tau..haha.. =p

alamak, ni da lari tajuk nih...hahah...sorry guys, carried away by my oldfrens..haha..

ok back to the story, My Boo and i went to Jln Taiping, Klang to sent our Hantaran item..the one i will give him..huhu, supposed my mummy yg she was super busy on the weekend with her office workload..but it's ok, My Boo is there to accompany me..hehe..but no more surprise for him lorr..haha..never mind..

the theme that i chosed for him is turquoise blue..hmm..for me, maybe pink kot, ye ke boo?? mine will not be using fresh flowers..sob sob..its not within my budget..uwwwaa..i'll save more for hantaran kawen...nak jugak..nak jugak..
sy teringin nk mcm yg pic bwh nih:

source: miss x (tenkiu..hehe)

haila...santek nye...bestnye kalo dpt cenggini..

waa...yg ni sumorg knal...mmg cair i tgk u...waa...mst i akan speechless kalo dpt cenggini...
hahah...over plak..
ini hanya impian, kalo my boo bg yg dlm kotak simple2 pon i terima...
janji u ikhlas kan kan..(hmm nak jugak.. =p)

counting on the days...
p/s: banyak nye la dugaan yg br nk tunang, blom nk kawen lagi..haih..

04 May, 2010


Hehe...glamour kn Wondermilk nih..
haha...ramai gak sy dgr order wondermilk for pon curious gak..

so after my baking class (ops, sy ade utang entry baking class upenye..huhu...later k..),
my boo bawak la sy survey Wondermilk nih...haha...sgt x bole blah sbb ktorg nk g situ bole plak sesat...
da ikot btol2 google map nih, x smpai2 gak..

actually it's my bad..because sy mmg suck giler psl jalanraya nih...kesian my boo kne marah, sbb sy da emo..(sy emo sbb sy takot kne marah ngn die sbb x baca map btol2) haha...

finally ktorg sampai, ujan pon turun ngn lebat nye..hehe..hujan rahmat...
maka, ktorg pon lepak la situ selama sejam je kot..

layan cappucino panas di ujan hari..

dap dap dap... =p

for me kan uols, its sedapp tp a bit pricey plus the size is quite small ..haha
sy x cukup kenyang makan satu jer..

so will consider W0ND3RM1LK for my hantaran cupcakes..hehe

p/s: my boo, jom kt p lagi, tanpa sesat larat ye,,,hehe =p