Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

04 May, 2010


Hehe...glamour kn Wondermilk nih..
haha...ramai gak sy dgr order wondermilk for pon curious gak..

so after my baking class (ops, sy ade utang entry baking class upenye..huhu...later k..),
my boo bawak la sy survey Wondermilk nih...haha...sgt x bole blah sbb ktorg nk g situ bole plak sesat...
da ikot btol2 google map nih, x smpai2 gak..

actually it's my bad..because sy mmg suck giler psl jalanraya nih...kesian my boo kne marah, sbb sy da emo..(sy emo sbb sy takot kne marah ngn die sbb x baca map btol2) haha...

finally ktorg sampai, ujan pon turun ngn lebat nye..hehe..hujan rahmat...
maka, ktorg pon lepak la situ selama sejam je kot..

layan cappucino panas di ujan hari..

dap dap dap... =p

for me kan uols, its sedapp tp a bit pricey plus the size is quite small ..haha
sy x cukup kenyang makan satu jer..

so will consider W0ND3RM1LK for my hantaran cupcakes..hehe

p/s: my boo, jom kt p lagi, tanpa sesat larat ye,,,hehe =p


  1. i rasa banyak kot yang buat cupcake ni. online especially :) murah and lagi sedap pon ada. cuma u kena pandai carik ar... i think i dah jumpa yang i suka. ikut selera masing-masing...

    tapi wondermilk pon sedap lah. undeniable. hihi

  2. zara: hmm sedap for me a bit pricey..btol2 yg online pny pon byk kn skg nih...yg u suka tu cupcakes mane..if u dont mind sharing...hehehe

  3. hi find out ur blog..dah follow dah tu..nice knowing u....

  4. hi there, thanx for following..
    i br je berjinak2 blogging..
    nice knowing u too!!


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