Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

13 May, 2010


hehe..ring & diamonds are women it??
this entry is about my E-Day ring, which has been bought about 5 months ago..haha...da berabok da..& all this while it's in my can you imagine, for the past 5 months i kept on trying the's not i'm impatient (ye ke??..=p), but i'm worried i can't fit the ring anymore..a bit phobia...bcos, my jari mmg cepat naik..sgt ketara kegemukan nye..haha..

there's a story behind this ring...eventho its a simple white diomond's so meaningful to me..
the story goes like this:

December 2009 - year end sale at that time kan..
we were dating @ jusco bkt raja..

sambil jalan2, 'terlalu' dkt dpn Tomei...then
My Boo: nk survey cincin x?
Me: hmm..bole gak..cincin risik ke?
My Boo: mane2 la..cincin tunang ke risik ke..kt survey harga dlu k..

we all pon masuk laa..then try one by one cincin tunang dlu..i'm excited sbb the price that they offer is very good..suddenly i terpikat dekat 'the ring'..can you imagine, the price is less than 1k..(mmg we decide nk yg murah but menepati ciri2 yg i nak..=p)

it looks similar like this.. =p simple kan..

My Boo: haa..da bersinar2 mata tu..senyum x henti2..suka la tu..
Me: hehehe (hanya mampu t/senyum kambing..)
My Boo: kalo suke kt teros beli la..swipe je...(haha..die mmg pandai swipe2 nih,,ishh susah tabiat ni)
Me: huhu..lambat lg la nk tunang..tapi i da suka..xpe la, kt survey kedai lain dlu la nnt..
My Boo: btol ke nih...mcm da suka sgt..harga pon within our budget kan..hehe..nyesal nnt..

ktorg pon x jadi beli, sbb konon nk survey je..smpt gak usha cincin belah rotan tok risik, tp x jmp yg berkenan..

pastu, ktorg pon kuar dr TOMEI & pegi la makan & tgk wayang,...
before nak balik, tiba2 'terlalu' lg dpn TOMEI..(haha..getek)..

Me: hishh..x ley lupe la cincin tuh...
My Boo: hahaha..abes jom la beli..
Me: hehe..cantik kan...harga pon ok kan??!!
My Boo: haha..dah jom je la kt masuk & beli..

We all pon masuk & carik blk SA yg entertain ktorg td...ops, rupenye die da blk...alahai..xpela..
then ktorg tanye kt SA yg lain, nk beli cincin yg ktorg try td..
carik punya carik.....x jumpa!!!!!!!
i macam biar betol....mane peginye...x kan org da beli...
pastu SA to check kat cashier...
YESS people!! cincin yg i nak tu da ade org beli!!! huwwaaa...
i mcm speechless..biar sgt ke cincin tu...dlm 3 jam je i tinggalkan kedai tu..
sbb x puas ati, i check resit org beli kt cashier,...
sah!! thats the ring...harga pon sama!!!

SA tu nmpk muka i mcm frust giler kot..die pon call HQ..tny ade lg x cincin tuh..
sbb rezeki i, alhamdulillah..cincin tu ade, tp diff xpe, sbb size bole adjust..(maklum la jari gemok2..)

after 2 weeks, i pon dpt cincin idaman hati..hoye hoye..

p/s: moral of the story, kalo da jumpa ssuatu yg kt berkenan, jgn la pk 2-3 kali..grab klo da rezeki kt, insyaAllah milik kt jg.. =)

Boo, nk cincin ni tok kawen bole x? haha..

x mungkin kot, sbb da terbeli gelang tok batal air smayang...haha
giler advance kan..tunang pon blom..
fobia pny psl..


  1. hehehe. best nya banyak cincin. setakat ni yang i ada cincin risik saje. tak da cincin tunang. cincin kawen custom made.


  2. zara: waaa...custom made lg best tuh...bole design2 & ciri cane yg kt nak..xpe, biar sket janji puas ati kan..hehe..

  3. Salam kenalan,

    Cantik square diamond. Simple elegance!

  4. w'salam nana,
    thanx..hehe..nice knowing yaa...


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