Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

22 November, 2010

weekend yg menakjubkan!!

Salam Monday All!!

i had a very great weekend peeps!! ape yg best?? bole bangun lmbt2..hahaha..
sabtu tu cancel g wedding my boo's friend, sbb tiba2 moja kne keje lak..adehhh ksian tunangku itu..xpe la demi keje kan..

so, aritu folo mak g tgk umah kat Cassia, Bandar Putera 2..location wise, not bad..dekat dgn kesas, to be specific sebelah je..and mak suka, sbb dkt je ngn umah die..hehe..senang nak antar cucu nnt kan..ecece..
the houses will siap dijangka Sep 2012..but tunang x decide lg, sbb die mencari umah yg freehold, but this one leasehold je.. so: KIV for umah..(brangan mcm la duit deposit da ade..HAHA)

Ahad, gi jenjalan kat OU dating2..
hoye hoye best!!

Harry Potter 7 mmg Best!!
cant wait for part II!!

Then, we makan2 kat Burger King (1st time dating dulu pon kat BK KLCC)
mmg tmpt yg memorable laa..hehe

THEN, the best part .........

i GOT myself ..

my dream hantaran handbag - checked!!
thanks boo!! **wink wink**

best babes!! ade 30% discount (winter clearance) =)

then, da soping2..lapar balik.. belilah mendalah ni plak,

XXL Chicken!! @ Taiwan Street Snacks.. sodap!!

pastu kenyang & ati riang..saye pon balik dgn gumbira!!
p/s: terlebey makan.perot da ketat!!


  1. I bsru je book 1 unit kat situ. Facing the park. Sangat menarik!


Coretan si comel