i'm back from my hornymoon! it was a blessed!
Redang Island mmg best! ok story pasal hornymoon i update later later on la ye..kt start review from my Nikah day..ok?
actually i dunno where to start nak review nih..tp sbb i ade utang ngn my OV to post an entry bout his team. So i'll start with my Official Videographer (OV) ,
iMoments. You save my life! hehe..
waktu diijabkabulkan..senyum riang sambil; merenung tok kadi
"btol ke dah sah??" ewwahh wat2 tanya lak..haha
haa bunga tangan tu adalah hasil kerja Renee Meow!! love it so much!! thank babe! =)
Hazremi (Remi panggilannye) from iMoments, dia dtg awal..balik lambat..and he covered the whole event..so relieved that i hired him..at least ade seseorg vendor yg i bole rely on..and he is sgt2 reliable =p
even my wedding is a very simple ceremony, but i masih nak ianya dirakamkan..especially
"that moment:"..hehe..
Ok, i i've mentioned before in BBF, my OP (ex) wat hat..die sub keje yg die patot buat kat org lain..yang mane, i tau pon on the day of the nikah day itself..its not fair for us right?..okay i akan buat entry special for this..memang sedey..tapi seb baik i ade OV..and naseb2 baik i ade hire additional photographer..thank god!
Okay, i x sabar nk tggu highlight and hasil kerje dr Remi..HEHE..akan tggu dgn penuh sabar..paling best, bile we all kne berlakon time outdoor shooting..yeayyy!! excited nak tggu the outcome!
Sape2 yang tgh mencari OV why not consider iMoments..Contoh terdekat yg pnah hire dorang:
Jaja, and Ellfazira..HEHE..Nice working with him! seriously!
try la visit his site:
p/s: hehe..recommendation ni ikhlas dr empunya diri. =) God still have mercy for me! =p