Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

28 April, 2011

Revlon vs MAC vs Body Shop

Salam peeps!

attention to all beauticians out there! help me boley? i'm looking for a good foundation & compact powder. Rase mcm nk tukar makeup range skrg..nmpk seperti tak bermaya  da survey2 bbrp brand yg sdg diconsider..

1. Revlon ColorStay Mineral Foundation

2. MAC Studio Fix Powder

3. The Body Shop

Kriteria2 yg diperlukan:
- long lasting
- i have a dry skin, but oily at t-zone area, so perlukan yg moisturise juga
- not pricey
- good coverage
- i look gorgeous!HAHAHA

so, sape2 yang penah pakai produk2 ni..jgn lupe share ye..ataupon other brands recommended pon ok..hehe
p/s: mlm ni mlm jumaat..huuuuu~

26 April, 2011

Vendor yang pelik

salam korang,

smlm merupakan isnin yg sgt suram.. sbb one of my vendors, wat hal..adoiii nape la sorang2 nk wat hal..

nak tny, sape2 kat luar sane yg penah berhadapan ngn situasi nih:
ade Vendor aku nih yg pandai2 nak burn kan deposit aku, sbb aku upgrade package die..terpempan aku mula2.. ingt kn klo kt upgrade, die lg happy..
sbb setahu aku, deposit akn burn bile kt cancel amek service nak upgrade package pon salah..kalo bagi tau awal2 yg deposit burn kalo quotation ni tukar, confirm aku x kn upgrade.. haisssh..

selama ni aku mmg cool je bile discuss ngn vendor (cool la sangat..HAHA) =p  tp bile smlm die kate deposit burn dgn alasan yg tdk kukuh, tros aku naik angin..walopon nilai deposit tu x la sebanyak still duit kan..lg2 lps kawen ni, duit mmg sgt amat bernilai.. hehe

aku ckp ngn vendor ni, aku nk discuss dlu ngn hubby aku..die kate jgn lmbt sgt, klo bole hari smlm gak kne confirm (sgt pushy)..sbb smlm aku hampir nk byr amount yg sepatotnye..

hubby aku: geram dgn situasi ni..vendor ni agak nye x brp kene gertak sket..klo deposit burn, kami btol2 cancel..mmg btol2 vendor tu takot, & now they agreed deposit aku tu dikira.. pheww..

actually, they are one of my photographers. additional photographers. they are my neighbour's friends. dorang pon baru je nk jinak2 dlm industry ni. so i bg chance kat dorang. i hired them & i trust them. they charged dah nak sama dgn professional okeh! nak reveal ke sape ? x yah la eh..hopefully lepas ni dorang lebih matang dlm menangani situasi..

p/s: my b2b frens, advice me btol ke sepatotnye burn kalau situasi mcm ni..takot i yg tersalah pertimbangan ni =)

22 April, 2011

baby baby baby ooohhh..


pagi jumaat ni sgt tenang.. (bos xde kat ofis =p)..sorry pasal lambat update wedding review ye, sbb kesuntukan masa mengcover blk keje2 masa cuti kawen & honimun aritu..hehe

cute seh baby ni ...auuummmm... (ade cam mata aku sket2 =p)
kalo korang nak tau lately aku ade hobi baru, iaitu menggugel himpunan nama2 anak dlm Islam. 
Oi oi...aku baru 3 minggu kawen, da berangan plak..hahaha

memandangkan aku ngn hubby xde merancang, so kalo ade rezeki cepat adelah tu..hehe
tp baru 3 minggu weh..sabar sabar..

no, no..i'm not pregnant yet..HAHA.. but i want to..HAHA
walaupon u guys baru kawen 3 minggu, tp jgn terkejut kalo orang sekeliling especially ur family & relatives da start tanya "da berisi ke?" "dah missed period?"
so, get ready k.. =)

baby baby , baby ooohhhh

p/s: demam bieber. HAHAHA

19 April, 2011

Review: The only OV


i'm back from my hornymoon! it was a blessed! Redang Island mmg best! ok story pasal hornymoon i update later later on la ye..kt start review from my Nikah day..ok?

actually i dunno where to start nak review sbb i ade utang ngn my OV to post an entry bout his team. So i'll start with my Official Videographer (OV) , iMoments. You save my life! hehe..

waktu diijabkabulkan..senyum riang sambil; merenung tok kadi
"btol ke dah sah??" ewwahh wat2 tanya lak..haha

haa bunga tangan tu adalah hasil kerja Renee Meow!! love it so much!! thank babe! =)

Hazremi (Remi panggilannye) from iMoments, dia dtg awal..balik lambat..and he covered the whole relieved that i hired least ade seseorg vendor yg i bole rely on..and he is sgt2 reliable =p
even my wedding is a very simple ceremony, but i masih nak ianya dirakamkan..especially "that moment:"..hehe..

Ok, i i've mentioned before in BBF, my OP (ex) wat hat..die sub keje yg die patot buat kat org lain..yang mane, i tau pon on the day of the nikah day itself..its not fair for us right?..okay i akan buat entry special for this..memang sedey..tapi seb baik i ade OV..and naseb2 baik i ade hire additional photographer..thank god!

Okay, i x sabar nk tggu highlight and hasil kerje dr Remi..HEHE..akan tggu dgn penuh sabar..paling best, bile we all kne berlakon time outdoor shooting..yeayyy!! excited nak tggu the outcome!

Sape2 yang tgh mencari OV why not consider iMoments..Contoh terdekat yg pnah hire dorang: Jaja, and Ellfazira..HEHE..Nice working with him! seriously!

try la visit his site: iMoments

p/s: hehe..recommendation ni ikhlas dr empunya diri. =) God still have mercy for me! =p

11 April, 2011

1st entry after being a wife =)

ok girls,
there are so much to talk about, there are so much things to share. & all is about my simple wedding ceremony.
where now, i'm a WIFE! wife to a very wonderful & understanding human being. =) (ok, baru kawen ni mmg la sumenye wangi kan? HAHA)

BUT, behind the scene byk flaw yg berlaku. might be mismanagement, miscom or u name it. i dont know exactly..tapi aku tanak terlalu serabut pikir2..lalu membiarkan majlisku berlangsung begitu saje..

paling aku frust, sbb OP aku buat hal. (ok skrg n die ex-OP)..BOLE LAST MINUTE DIE SESUKA HATI TUKAR NGN PHOTOGRAPHER LAIN. last minute sgt, sbb aku tau die sub kat org lain on the day aku akad! mmg tak mampu nak wat pape. (ok aku akan wat entry special for this issue ) hoh..seb baik ade penyelamat for my event, iaitu OV aku..hehe (ni pon ade entry special nnt)

selain OP wat hal, ade la mulut makcik2 yg wat aku terase..semua nak komplen.. kalo komplen dlm ati xpe gak, ni depan2 aku cakap. kalo nak tolong improve ke, bg idea ke, mst aku terima ngn hati yg terbuka..kan kan kan.. =)

despite of all the problems & issues, aku redha and akhirnya aku kawin! hoye hoye..paling aku terharu bila member2 blog dtg.. teros aku bersemangat.ewwahh! haha..
Special thanks so to Jaja (sedap weh truffle ko), Atia, Hana, Mawar ( thanks for the gift dear!), mom2b Zaila, dba, Kina (nape ko x jmp aku dlu weh sblom blk..huhu)..Shahoney ko dtg tak? sape2 lg yg aku tetinggal eh?
terharu aku sbb korang sudi dtg..hehe..

ok bile da dpt official photo aku share ngn korang k.. =)

p/s: sorry lmbt update blog..hehe..weh kawen best lah! =p