a) at first plan nk rent a small cute house in S.Alam.. (Moja is working in s.alam, but i'm working in KL)--------> not fair rite?? patot dok in the middle..HAHAHA
P/S: huhu..gigihkan i ulang alik dr s.alm ke KL naik komuter & monorail?? hahaha..(kecut ar nk drive g KL ngee~)
b) like 2 months ago, my FSIL ajak stay skali ngn die kat Bukit Jelutong.. she rented an apartment alone..then, me & moja discussed the PRO & CON..hehe..
pro----> bole jimat sket..x yah bayar deposit masuk umah utility sume..
cont----> i jauh sket nk g komuter..plg dekat adelah stesen BATU3. tp x suke stesen tu! sometimes da penoh & x bole nak masok..huhu
pro----> privacy ade =p , sbb FSIL salu outstation..hehe
pro----> bole belajar masak ngn K.Ain (FSIL) hehe
c) then, tibe2 my FSIL NAK pindah dok Kajang..sbb musabab nye x pasti.. then, i tros google rumah sewa kat s.alam..rent mmg tinggi ar area sini..dorg byk target student..huhu
d) now, my beloved mother offered us to duduk sekali.. i was like?? for real??? (dlm hati jerit keriangan..hehe) cam terharu gak..hehe..mak kate bole save byk kalo dok ngn die..sambil tu bole save duit tok beli rumah..lg pon tinggal mak & abah je kat umah..adek sorg kat U, sorg dok KL....weehuuu!!
but for my tunang, he was like...alamakkk segannye nk dok skali..now i tgh bg die ms tok wat decision..
hahaha..yela dok ngn family in-law kan..paham2 la.. ^_^..tp kalo sendiri2 mmg lg comfortable la kan..
Gambar sekadar hiasan..hehehe
sexy nye JLo..
tp, kalo ikotkan..kami mmg nak dok sendiri..bole bersantai sesuke hati kan...bile2 & dimana2 saje kan..hehehe...gediks plak. =p
kalo korg camne eh??