Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

31 January, 2011

life after marriage - maybe

plan after marriage??

a) at first plan nk rent a small cute house in S.Alam.. (Moja is working in s.alam, but i'm working in KL)--------> not fair rite?? patot dok in the middle..HAHAHA
P/S: huhu..gigihkan i ulang alik dr s.alm ke KL naik komuter & monorail?? hahaha..(kecut ar nk drive g KL  ngee~)

b) like 2 months ago, my FSIL ajak stay skali ngn die kat Bukit Jelutong.. she rented an apartment alone..then, me & moja discussed the PRO & CON..hehe..
pro----> bole jimat sket..x yah bayar deposit masuk umah utility sume..
cont----> i jauh sket nk g komuter..plg dekat adelah stesen BATU3. tp x suke stesen tu! sometimes da penoh & x bole nak masok..huhu
pro----> privacy ade =p , sbb FSIL salu outstation..hehe
pro----> bole belajar masak ngn K.Ain (FSIL) hehe

c) then, tibe2 my FSIL NAK pindah dok Kajang..sbb musabab nye x pasti.. then, i tros google rumah sewa kat mmg tinggi ar area sini..dorg byk target student..huhu

d) now, my beloved mother offered us to duduk sekali.. i was like?? for real??? (dlm hati jerit keriangan..hehe) cam terharu gak..hehe..mak kate bole save byk kalo dok ngn die..sambil tu bole save duit tok beli rumah..lg pon tinggal mak & abah je kat umah..adek sorg kat U, sorg dok KL....weehuuu!!
but for my tunang, he was like...alamakkk segannye nk dok i tgh bg die ms tok wat decision..
hahaha..yela dok ngn family in-law kan..paham2 la.. ^_^ kalo sendiri2 mmg lg comfortable la kan..

Gambar sekadar hiasan..hehehe
sexy nye JLo..

tp, kalo ikotkan..kami mmg nak dok sendiri..bole bersantai sesuke hati kan...bile2 & dimana2 saje kan..hehehe...gediks plak. =p

kalo korg camne eh??

28 January, 2011



smlm br dapat call dr wedding card vendor..and bende yg aku salu bace & terjadi kat org, rupe2 nye kena kat batang idong sendiri jugak..huhu..kes yg salu terjadi ialah, order material lain dpt material lain. x pon order color lain, dpt color lain..aiyyyarrkkk...kes aku plak: order color lain tp dpt color lain..

heheh, tp x la berat sgt kes ni, sbb bkn card color yg tertukar tp hot stamping color at the first mcm bengang gak la..sbb mase tgk mockup & amend sane sini aritu, ktorg siap disuruh sign setiap page that kalo dah print nnt, if ade tersilap dr pihak ktorg, mmg kt x leh salah kan diorang la kan... but now?? huhu..

my hot stamping supposed to be in Red color, but now yg dorg dah print ialah Dark Green..(ngeee..~)
my card color is cream gold.  (sape bole imagine angkat tgn!)

phone conversation:

Vendor: Kak, sorry sgt sbb color hot stamping tu da print color dark green.
Me: haaah?? kan aritu tgk mockup da stuju color Merah..aiyyaaa..cane bole jd camni?
Vendor: Boss da terhantar awal ke printing (& that was before ktorg tgk mockup & said yes..bole ke camni??) xpe ke kak??
Me: Hmm seyes akak x leh imagine color dark green on top of cream gold.. if color tu bole masuk, akak x kesah camne bole jd camni??
Vendor: Ok nnt sy hantar emel kat akak..akak tgk color tu..
Me: If kes camni harga same ke x?
Vendor: Harga still same kak..
Me: Nnt if the card da smpi ur office, call akak, akak dtg tgk.

mode: redha & pasrah..hehe

tp kan, die x dpt antar emel, sbb internet server die down..ok wut ever! =p

korang, card aku sgt sempoi & simple..its just a normal card sedey gak bile yg dinakkan x dpt..huhu

comment from my mom: xpela..yg penting isi dlm tu betol..nama, address & map tu kalo bole mntk la discount dr diorang..hehe (i loike!)

comment from moja: kt tgk dulu card yg da siap (with green) tu..if cantek & suka kt amek kalo kureng, kt mntakla discount ke, free banner ke, bunting ke..haa ok x? (i loike it too!)

bile sume org surrounding me cam positif je, aku pon happy!!
Hoye hoye tak lame lagi da nak kawen!! (sile muntah darah)

kad kawen Dato' Siti..
simple & sweet kan..

(tp aku nye bkn camni laa ) hahah

source: reyna

25 January, 2011

in love

hye ladies!!!

sambil google2, terjumpe n berkenan bbrp shoes from online bridal shoes website..CANTIK!
jom jamu mata mahu??

Laced Peeptoe, 3.5"heel, RM208 
taken from White label Bridal

macam suka la this one!
platformed 5" heel, RM 298
Source: White label bridal

cantek kan!! 5'' u know..hahaha..

24 January, 2011

pampering and pampered

hello monday all!!

sebenarnye saye sedang men'usha spa2 untuk memanjakan diri sebelum menjelang hari bahagia saye..hehe (skema giler ayat!) and my bff pon ade mengajak tok join pakej pengantin yang Cendana Spa promo.
Cendana Spa ni terletak di Sec. 7 Shah Alam je, so nak pegi pon senang sbb dkt ngn umah..hehe
jom kite cekidaut pakej2 tersebut:

Cendana Seri Pengantin
  • Flower Foot Bath
  • Herbal Sauna
  • Lulur & Body Scrub
  • Body Polish / Body Mask
  • 'Naik Seri Pengantin' Bath
  • Normal Facial / Hair Treatment
  • Spa Manicure & Pedicure
Harga: RM 270.00
Pakej Pengantin

Rawatan 1 (4 jam, Normal Price: RM 245.00)
  • Herbal Sauna
  • Body Massage
  • Lulur & Body Scrub
  • Milk Bath
  • Facial

Rawatan 2 (4 jam, Normal Price: RM 245.00)
  • Herbal Sauna
  • Lulur & Body Scrub
  • Milk Bath
  • Hair Treatment
  • Manicure & Pedicure

Rawatan 3 (3 jam, Normal Price: RM 220.00)
  • Herbal Sauna
  • Lulur & Body Scrub
  • Body Polish
  • Mandi Naik Seri Pengantin
  • Foot Spa

Harga Promosi: RM 600.00
Bagi saye Pakej Pengantin ni mcm sgt berbaloi!! 3 kali treatment for RM600 only!! ni yang mcm x sabar nk g memanjakan diri ni..ahakss!! Bestnye kalo dpt massage ngn foot spa!! da lame abaikan penjagaan kaki..kesian kaki ni yg byk berjalan ulang alik keje. haha
juga x sabar for pedi & meni..

alamak cukup ke bajet nak g ministry of waxing (Strips) nih..hehe =)

sape da pnah pegi?? jom share experience waxing maxing tu ,,wink wink

btw, ni musim cerita Ayu Raudhah kawen..pastu dlm paper smlm ke kelmarin ternampak iklan Aster Spring Beautiful Bride.. Ayu Raudhah & Raja Farah konon nye amek pakej ni ngn Aster Spring, jd spokesperson la kot..
menariknya, pakej yang ditawarkan AsterSpring ini merangkumi rawatan untuk muka dan badan. Jadi, tidak perlulah bakal pengantin bersusah-payah mencari pakej yang berbeza di tempat berlainan bagi muka dan badan. Pakej lengkap Beautiful Bride merawat muka dan badan bakal pengantin berdasarkan matlamat kecantikan masing-masing, sama ada mahu melangsingkan badan mahupun menyerikan lagi kulit muka. Ia merangkumi produk penjagaan kulit Dermalogica bagi rutin kecantikan harian di rumah dan produk solekan penjagaan kulit, Averine

Aster Spring Beautiful Bride Package
baucar rawatan muka bernilai RM1,000, 10 sesi Healthy Body Therapy bernilai sehingga RM1,880 serta produk-produk Dermalogica dan Averine bernilai RM1,492. Dalam tempoh promosi ini, pelanggan boleh menikmati pakej Beautiful Bride pada harga promosi RM1,900 berbanding harga biasa, RM4,372. Tempoh promosi sehingga 31 Mac 2011..

cam menarik gak kan? tp kene cek bajet jap..hehe

21 January, 2011

candy buffet a.k.a sweet indulgence

i cud not help my self from writing about this candy buffet tingy which is very much popular among b2b.. u guys are great for sharing those information!

tp, my budget sangat ciput..keiinginan menggunung. mcm best sgt kalo ade "sweet indulgence" table ni..most probably, it will attract young children and little kiddos..sweet treat for them..  kalo ade duit lebey, i wanna hire this The Wedding Heaven..and if u want kne cepat book..sbb i dengar diorang ni cepat fully booked every single weekend..Hehehe.. lets turn on ur verangan mode!! hoyeahh!!

sweet sgt kan..rase cam syg nk makan..HAHA

ni bukan setakat kids je yg suka, mst mak2 budak pon tumpang sekaki.. ^_^
i love sweets actually..tu yg excited tuh.. =p
source: The Wedding Heaven

if i'm not mistaken, the price is RM600 per table..
if u interested don't hesitate to email them k.. =)

fuiyyoo!! bestnye menjamu mata..HAHA
source: here

Spring Candy Buffet
source: here

In case, to cut my budget short most probably i'll have to DIY.. 
hmm believe me, i'm not gifted with creativity at all..
creativity = fail..

but nak buat mcm mane kalo x mampu i've listed down MUST HAVE items at the so called "sweet indulgence" table below :

cake slices (mom ordered ody)
mini cheese tart
kelapa pudding
cookies (homemade maybe?? haha ade hati lg tu)
lollipop / chupa chup( cheaper)
chocolate fountain (huh???)
marshmellow (buat kawan choc fountain)

ok tak??
ni baru perancangan awal..
kalo x jadi maybe my mom isi ngn kuih muih tradisional je..hehe
its okay, i ok je..

mntk2 i ade rezeki lebeh, bole tros order je dr The Wedding Heaven kan kan..
x yah susah2..haha (kalo da dasar pemalas mmg begini =p)

p/s: ticker sangat mencemburui diriku.

18 January, 2011


menakutkan bile tgk ticker yg merata2 dlm blog ni..hehe..tinggal 2 bulan setengah, tp adekah sudah terlambat utk keep in shape?? shape sudah lari sane sini sbb busy la dgn kerja konon, lalu x sempat bersenam, dan makan berlebey2 han..

mase pegi fitting aritu, da nmpk bonjol sane butik kate dont worry selalunye b2b automatic akn loose weight 2 bulan - sebulan b4 kawen..btol ke?? ni tinggal 2 bulan lebeh, blom nmpk sebarang pengurangan..hmm..camne nk dpt body ala2 megan fox ke, scarlet johanssen ke, yg hot2 la..muahaha. oleh itu, mari kt ambil tindakan dari sekarang, plan aku adelah seperti berikut:

1. Join mane2 gym 
Done. Join Sports Toto Fitness Centre je sbb aku Berjaya staff so dpt morah.. (tu yg penting!!)
Dah sebulan join, so far baru 4x pergi jejak kaki.boleh tak?? haha..adela buat cycling, treadmill, & join class dance mania & class body step.

poyo x boleh blah..haha

 before dance mania (ala2 hip hop) start, 
camwhoring dlu ngn my colleague Liza

tp if x join gym pon bole, bersenam je kat rumah lg jimat kan..buat lari setempat ke, sit up ke, main kejar2 ngn anak sedare/kazen2 kecil ke, menari poco2 ke..asalkan ade pergerakan fizikal..lalu fat2 akan diburnkan..hoho
2. Pemakanan seimbang
we can monitor our food intake by fill up this menu planner. 

so, if rase da terlebeh mkn time lunch, x payah dah ambik dinner.boleh ke?
hmm snacking is good actually. mengelakkan rase lapar yg berpanjangan..hehe..but, make sure healthy snack la eg. raisins, nuts and fruits..

hmm selain tu, for fast loose weight selalunye orang pakai cabbage soup diet..
let say, kalo tggl sebulan lg tp x dpt shape yg dikehendaki maybe akan try this cabbage soup diet..hehe

if dapat loose 3 kg pon jadila..hehe

p/s: ade sape2 yg nak share diet tips??

13 January, 2011

pre wed

woot woot!!

bilekah mase yg seswai tok wat "pre wed"..i only have 78 days & baru nak tny?? bole tak?? HAHA..btw, apekah kegunaan picture2 pre-wed nih??

1. Pic pre wed bole dijadikan banner/bunting. plus creativity mst hasilnye daboom!!
2. Pic pre wed bole jadi deco kat guest book table
3. Pic pre wed bole jadi deco kat dlm bilik peranten, bile print besar2, gantung byk2 mcm gallery..HAHA
4. Pic pre wed bole jadi deco as table centrepiece..mcm lynda kan lynda..hehe comey je
5. Pic pre wed bole jadi STD!! (heh sumorang tau la..=p)
5. Pic pre wed bole masuk skali dlm invitation card.

hmm ade pape lg yg tertinggal tak? oleh itu, kami tekad juge utk mmbuat pre wed pic. sbb sblom ni moja x berapa nak sgt..huhu..TAPI, skang xde idea lgsg nak wat prewed lagu mane..bile tny OP, he suggested BROGA HILL..haha.confirm gambar santek cam nawal, tp tgk la kalo ade kesanggupan..hehe

this is gorgeous!! kan kan

this is cute!! kan kan..

this is adorable..kan kan..

this is memorable..kan kan..

this is classy..kan kan

this is enjoyable..kan kan

this is cool!! kan kan

this is so damn romantic!! kan kan!!
(tp jgn la kissing kan..nnt pengsan warga2 emas..=p)

this is lovable!! kan kan

this is damn syok!! kan kan
this is speechless!! kan kan..
all pix credit to mr google!! hehehe

love all the photos!! 
& babes, i'm undecided!! 
rase cam x sabar nk shoot, padahal x confirm date ngn OP lg..=p

12 January, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday!

i have only 79 days as of today till my BIG day!! hoye hoye!! (bunyi macam da tak sabar je).
BUT..BUT..BUT..who knows bape percent my preparation done so far?? huhu.. roughly i can say that it might be 62.81% .HAHAHA...giler ke? macam mane nak kire pon aku x tau..main belasah je. HAHA

so lets hapdet:

Catering (Bertandang)
over the passed weekend, we managed to booked Bertandang pny catering. Tunang sgt suka dgn food die. Nasi beryani die mmg sedap!! but we amek only the package of food for 1000 pax and pelayan. the reason why x amek full package including canopy sume is to save more..But...HAHA..ya its actually can save, but not that much.. Sape pnah rase D'Mawar Catering ??Hehe SETEL.

Canopy (Bertandang)
hmm disebabkan mahu berjimat segala untuk majlis bertandang, tunang tekad utk book canopy asing2..& the Canopy service that we hired is from my old school friend..die baru je berjinak2 dlm dunia canopy ni..mari kt kasi die bisnes.hehe.So, weekend da jumpa & dok bincang seating arrangement , canopy , deco & hal2 yg berkaitan.. SETEL.

Homestay (Bertandang)
alhamdulillah, homestay for my family time majlis bertandang nnt da booked!! hoye hoye..SETEL

location: cool
 (dkt ngn umah tunang & dekat tepi pantai..hehe)
price: okay la =p
(hmm affordable & not overprice)

The place is called

Hantaran Hunting
Mostly done and berjaya beli (parahnye nak kuarkan duit beli barang hantaran..isk isk..)
yg bkn dlm list pon 'terbeli'..hahaha..yg tinggal cuma edible items je la..hehe..

arini kan wordless, tetapi x dpt menahan diri dr menulis..HAHAH

woww bestnye kalau dapat!!

woww bestnye 2 kali ganda kalao dapat!!
nyum nyum!!

05 January, 2011

MUA resepsi - checked

hye peeps!!

salah satu kejadian weekend minggu lepas ialah telah berjaya mem'booked MUA for my big day!..hoye hoye..
boleh ticked my checklist ody!

i sms & call this MUA, request for harga makeup resepsi. and she gave me this amount (RM600) which is right as what all the bloggers had said.. tp nak booked, kne pegi butik kat s.alam..disebabkan kejauhan tempat keje dan rumah..maka x sempat nk singgah ke butik..maka proses pembookingan itu ditangguhkan hingga ke hujung minggu iaitu semasa Malaysia cuti Hari Peristiwa dimana kt menang Piala AFF Suzuki! (tibe2 minat K.Fahmi =p)

pegi2 ke butik tu teros dan isi borang untuk booking..sambil2 isi borg:

assistant butik: akak, harga makeup da naik tau rate RM 700 per session..
aku: erkk??eh..bile mase plak naik..aritu tny MUA die kate RM600.. (sambil terkejut)
assistant butik: baru je isnin ni, kalo book sekarang mmg pakai rate skrg..
aku: alamak..yeke..hmm (sambil berfikir panjang) alaa..dek, nape x start tahun baru je..arini kan baru 31 Dec (sambil cuba nasib) =p
assistant butik: jadi x nak amek die??
aku: hmm JADI JADI..(sebab mmg da aim & suka nak amek akak ni, so i pon setuju je la..hehe)

tp rugi beb RM100 aku, disebabkan selang bbrp ari je..salah aku la ni..adehh..
bile pk, RM100 tu aku bole beli brg hantaran ka, deco ka..kan kan kan..

ape yang membuatkan i terpikat mengambil akak ni sebagai makeup artis? cuba layan gamabr2 ni:

Our gorgeous Diah =)
source: Mr. Gugel
 Miss X 
santek kan..suka sangat mekap die..

btw, uol tgk first picture tu pon mst da tau kan, sape MUA ni..
clue terhebat i da bagi taw.
alhamdulillah setel 1 perkara..

it's ,
K.Liza (Assistant Saidatulnisa)
=) =) =)

So i nak share ngn uol updated rate for:
K.Liza: RM700 per session
Saidatulnisa: RM1200 per session

P/S: dear K.Liza, PLease make me gorgeous!

Zam Zam Allakazam

Happy New Year Gurls & Boys!!

apedaa..daa 5 hari masuk taon baru br nak masuk blog yg bersawang ni..hehehe..actually byk update yg berlaku hujung minggu yg lalu ni..macam2 kejadian telah berlaku..haha..
tp tp tp, kite cerite dlu pasal Zam Zam Allakazam iaitu sejenis Restoran makan arab yg terletak di Sek.9 S.Alam..Zam Zam Arabic Restaurant

Mine: Istanbul Kebab

i opt for light dinner & i chose this..i tell u its delicious!!
His: Lamb Maghdud
its a really big portion, definitely mmg ktorg tapau bwk balik..
tp mmg lazat..& the price is affordable.

kemudian kami melayan barbican..
first time rase minuman ni..

moja, si tunang ni suke sgt ngn barbican ni =p

tibe2 terliur...

gig restaurant with nice ambience & deco..
kat tepi2 tu, byk shisha2 bersusun..
mst menjadi port ade lakiku melepak nnt..

makanan sedap
harga berpatutan
environment nice & cool